Two clowns. Different shoes.

21 09 2010

Have you ever felt like a clown?  In a good or bad way?

There are happy clowns, like Bozo the Clown was, but predominantly clowns are sad.  Why?  Some traditions are Hobo Clown, Down on my Luck Clown and of course the Bum.  But also the Baker Clown and the Policeman Clown.

This is about two very different clowns.  See if you can relate.  There are many of these two clowns  in our world today.  Life is not a circus for many of our clowns.

Two clowns from very different worlds prepare to perform.  One clown applies his white make up, the other scrubs his face.  One clown puts on his outrageous wig while the other grooms his hair.  One clown puts on his clown suit which is outlandishly vibrant with colors and flowers that squirt water and ruffles at the neck and sleeve, the other clown puts on his clown suit that resembles a well cut suit from Macy’s complete with a starched crisp white shirt and a classic silk necktie that is not at all vibrant or dowdy but falls somewhere in the conservative middle.  Our clowns finally prepare to slip into their shoes.  One clown slides into his big red floppy shoes while the other slips into a pair of neatly polished loafers that match the belt he wears.

Now is the time for our clowns to get into character.  One clown gets giddy making himself laugh and smile and then sulk on cue while the other clown tries to relax and not appear to be nervous but confident.  One clown goes over his routine in his mind complete with the bucket of confetti while the other reviews his accomplishments, his goals and information that is pertinent to the audience he will soon perform for.  One clown giggles as he climbs into a VW Bug with 18 of his best clown buddies while our other clown says a quick prayer, thinks of his wife and children and climbs into his vehicle alone.  Both clowns head to their performances.

Both of our clowns arrive in similar fashion with the exception of the company they are in.  One clown arrives at the big top while the other arrives at the board room.  Both clowns put on performances of their lives filled with laughter for one clown to break the ice.  One clown rides a unicycle while tossing candy to screaming children the other tip toes the proverbial tight rope while serving up answers and ideas to the opportunities presented before him.  One clown finishes with cheers and applause while the other clown finishes with a handshake and a promise to call.

Our clowns have performed for very different reasons.  One clown performed for laughter and giggles while the other performed for hope and prosperity.  One clown performed for the sheer pleasure of entertaining while the other performed as a traditional ritual for his family’s future and prosperity.

One clown sleeps content knowing when his next performance will be.  Our other clown anxiously awaits a call or letter letting him know what the next step will be if there is one.  One clown, perhaps both I like to think, prays before he sleeps and finds solace in the fact that as a whole his clown family is happy, healthy and wise. 

So, do you ever feel like a clown?



2 responses

21 09 2010
Stacey Wistehuff

That just made me sad. People are loosing their homes all over the neighborhood. I hate to see so many out of work. There is a family in my neighborhood with 5 kids. The Dad is going to school and subing and his wife is working all kinds of extra hours as a nurse to keep them afloat. It just makes me feel guilty for all I have. It has all made me a little lazy when I used to work hard all the time. shame on me.

21 09 2010

It is a sad time right now for many families. Many struggle day to day but as you said “all you have”. we should remember what we have and count our blessings especially our health and families, these are truly our riches.

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